The Demon Inside (2017) – This One Gave Me Cell Shock – Fitz of Horror Review

Gothic Bob March 2, 2019


Synopsis: A man is trying to protect his family from a demon who has infiltrated their home but it may not be the only beast in this man’s closet. (written on behalf of Fitz of Horror)

Hey there! It’s me, Gothic Bob, again. This is my second review and my first feature-length movie review, here at Fitz of Horror. If you read my review of Defarious and you’re still reading this now, let me personally thank you for accepting me as Fitz Family! I’m having way too much fun with this stuff and hope you are too. Let’s talk about ‘The Demon Inside’, yeah?

The Demon Inside was written and directed by Joey Moran, who has actually done some pretty cool stuff. He’s been a crew member on quite a few reputable movies. This movie seems to be his second feature release as the head honcho; Writer/Director. One other notable team member is Timothy Talbott, who aside from producing this flick also plays the supporting role of Corbin Carlysle. It’s a pretty comical character but he, like the main character Sam Parsons (played by Joseph Rene), goes through some dynamic developments.

So, Sam Parsons, aside from having eyes that look soulless in many shots and a criminal record, is a pretty likable guy. He’s just trying to protect his lovely wife, Courtney Parsons (played by the marvelous Madeline Thelton) and his daughter Harper (Chloe Lee) from his past and the thing that terrorizes his family. Don’t get me wrong, Courtney is no schlub. In fact, she has a few scenes where she knows what’s up and lets Sam know it too. Basically, in the past few years, this family has been trying to bounce back from Sam’s incarceration. He’s on the straight and narrow and things seem to be falling into a routine, other than his boss being a delta bravo (most likely Sam is on a thin leash being an ex-con). Out of nowhere weird, anxiety-provoking sh*t starts happening at the house and it is quickly discovered that the weird sh*t is a demon. There is some drama on how to evict the brute and one of the choices ends up being a bit of comic relief, albeit briefly. Almost half-way into the story the “Ghost Killers” arrive, a ridiculous (even more so than typical) paranormal tv show featuring a band of stooges/divas. What seems like a good resolution ends up being a bigger problem as the hellish imp grows in power.

The acting really was quite good, with Madeline Thelton being my favorite. Moran and his actors did a wonderful job of selling me to be invested in both Sam and Courtney…and with little backstory! I’m not quite sure I felt 100% chemistry between Rene and Thelton, or that they seemed like a believable couple but they both did well enough individually to not detract from the movie. I found the Ghost Killers to be obnoxious and funny, which is an apparent mission accomplished. Moran holds a magnifying glass to the ridiculous egos of reality television stars, while playfully roasting the paranormal entertainment world.

The Demon Inside is comically malignant and seriously spine-chilling. It has everything from subtle spooks, plundering possessions to…well, see the guy covered in blood in the trailer below. I was surprised to see that this film was nearly 1 hour and 40 minutes. Whenever I see indie horrors over 1 hour and 30 minutes, I get a little nervous but this was a well-executed film with visual and audio professional quality. Could it have been shorter? Probably but, again, it was a good flick. I did have to turn my TV up to 2x the normal sound, which is always a concern having little sleeping children myself, but it was mixed decently. There’s always the concern of “I can’t hear this”, you turn it up loud and then BAM! the audio fills the house and/or blows your speakers (I’ve had that happen). That wasn’t the case. The quality of the recording is what matters the most and although too quiet, it’s mixed well! You can also tell Carlos Baker (Director of Photography) tried some unexpected atypical shots in some scenes. I like that from a cinematographer, even though it doesn’t always work. The effects and fight choreography were entertaining. There’s a nice little statement at the end of this film which not only makes me smile but truly summarizes the excellent effort of this movie; “A Film By The Entire Cast and Crew.” Shared ownership, Love it! To that I say…this is a great indie horror film. Good job everyone!

P.S. Courtney…you’re the best but maybe get the booze out of the house?
Gothic Bob

Check out Skeleton Kreek Films on Facebook and be sure to check out The Demon Inside on Amazon!


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