New Perk Rewards (Including Seeing the Movie Before Anyone Else!) Available in the “VOORHEES” Friday the 13th Feature Length Fan Film Kickstarter-Fitz of Horror

Written by Bryan Fitzgerald (Fitz of Horror) January 27, 2018


What is “VOORHEES”?

“Voorhees ” is an Independent Friday the 13th fan film eager to bring to you the darkest most sadistic Friday the 13th Film to date.

“Voorhees” takes place at and around the old grounds of Camp Crystal Lake. The individuals who we follow are not summer campers. Far from it
They have found their way to this place in the woods for a much darker purpose seeking temporary sanctuary from the world.
Unaware of the location’s notorious past, They decide to examine the abandoned camp.
They are about to get an education in true terror and learn the name of the most infamous killer in cinema history.

Director Cody Faulk and the crew at Wet Paint Pictures are looking to raise $8,000 via Kickstarter so they can begin filming their feature length Friday the 13th fan film. These guys aren’t looking to make profit from this venture, they are hoping to bring back Jason Voorhees to the fans and in doing so hopefully light a fire under Paramount Pictures to finally bring the franchise back from the dead.

To entice fellow fans to help back their vision, they are offering a wide variety of backer rewards and if these weren’t enough they have added more as of 1/26/2018.

Backer rewards are plentiful and some are absolutely to die for. For as little as a $20 donation you can have you name featured in the credits, $30 gets you a Blu ray, $50 gets you a screenplay, a poster a t-shirt or a Skype session with the director, $150 gets you a replica hockey mask, $200 gets you a co-producer credit, $300 gets you a full size prop machete (rumored to be the biggest in the franchise), $500 gets your name on a tombstone in the film and $800 is amazing, you can be killed on screen in the movie as well as have a photo shoot and your very own kill scene short film!


Pledge $25 or more

Private Q&A with members of the cast

Enjoy a 30-minute skype session with cast members to talk about the film, the movie making process, or anything F13/Horror related.

Pledge $80 or more

A seat at the premiere

A seat at the premiere Sit with the cast at the premiere of “Voorhees” and enjoy the first look at the film on the big screen. We will save you a seat up front.

*Reward includes T-shirt and Blu Ray*

Pledge $180 or more

Early Screening

Get a chance for an advance look at the film with a high quality digital download prior to the movie’s release.
* Includes T – Shirt & Poster*

Pledge $425 or more

Camp Crystal Lake Sign

Camp Crystal Lake sign: Reward yourself with the one of a kind sign used in the film. This is large, sturdy sign is made of wood and is 36” by 48” so you’ll need plenty of wall space!

***Only 1 Available***

*Reward includes T – Shirt Blu Ray*

Pledge $450 or more

Naming rights for a character

With this reward you pick the name of a character in the movie. Use your own name or someone you know and immortalize them as part of the film.
(*Names are subject to approval)

*Reward includes replica mask, poster and blu ray disc.

Pledge $650 or more

Virtual Jason Kill

Virtual Jason kill! Run for your damn life with this reward! You will be live in your own unique adventure (via Video chat) with other cast members trying to get away from Jason Voorhees! Run and hide and try to survive from the comfort of your couch! The camera will be YOUR EYES AND the cast will talk DIRECTLY TO YOU! In this extremely unique adventure and once in a life time live movie experience! A recorded version approximately 5 to 10 minutes will be sent to you! WILL YOU SURVIVE!

*Reward includes Machete, Replica Mask
and Blu Ray*


There is a lot of love that has gone into this production but unfortunately love alone does not get a movie made. All backers will be featured in the credits of the film when it’s complete and all masks, machetes and sign are all actual props. At this point it’s not a matter of IF but WHEN the goal will be hit and if YOU want to be a part of it!

Check the rewards, “VOORHEES” history and donate via the>>>>> VOORHEES KICKSTARTER LINK<<<<<

A word from the director-

From writer/director Cody FaulkWet Paint Pictures originally embarked on a quest to make a short Friday the 13th fan film true to the franchise’s iconic history while putting on our own unique stamp of thrills and intensity. What we discovered during months of pre-production and principal photography is that we have a longer story to tell. The independent film “Voorhees” is now heading towards what is likely a feature-length production. This in itself is an unexpected challenge but one that was not planned but born of the creative process.
An ongoing challenge we face is remaining true to the historic genre of the franchise so that fans will enjoy the film while also providing them a fresh perspective on the story. Fans have certain expectations for a film of this type and we will follow in those footsteps. At the same time, we are adding a unique twist that offers fans additional depth and texture to the characters.
All of our horror scenes are done utilizing practical effects. We want these moments to jump off the screen and bring the same chills that fans have seen for decades in theaters. At the same time, achieving what we consider screen worthy moments involves a great deal of trial and error and finding the right mix of lighting, camera angles and body parts takes a great deal of time and effort. In addition, and as you can see from the pictures in the video, the locations for “Voorhees” consist of numerous abandoned structures in various states of disrepair. While this provides for an enticing movie set with myriad opportunities to bring you true cinematic horror, it is also leads to some dangerous circumstances for both cast and crew. Safety is our number one goal and every day we are filming we have to constantly be alert for unintended risk.
Wet Paint Pictures thanks you for considering supporting our final push to complete this independent film. We truly hope to scare the hell out of you!

I, personally would love to see another full length Friday the 13th feature and it will be even sweeter knowing that we, the fans,  had a small part in making this dream a reality!

Whether you donate $1 or $1,000 you are helping support independent horror!


Here is an exclusive sneak peek at their Jason Voorhees and what they have in store!

The Time is now Friday Fans! Follow the LINK IN OUR BIO to make your pledge to the #voorhees #kickstarter page. Your pledge gets us one step closer to bringing JASON BACK!KIckstarter Link: #jasonvoorhees #horror #slasher #80shorror #horrorfan #fanfiction #fanfilm #campcrystallake #indiefilm #filmmaking #pleasesupport us!

Posted by Cody Faulk on Tuesday, January 9, 2018



>>>Follow Wet Paint Pictures on Facebook and Instagram for updates in production and all of the latest news.


For all things horror, follow me on Facebook at Fitz of Horror and on Instagram at fitz_of_horror