VOORHEES Ramps up the violence and promises intense and brutal kills–I have seen one of them!-Fitz of Horror
Written by Bryan Fitzgerald (Fitz of Horror/Jason Voorhees Hall of Fame) October 7, 2018

A bigger machete for a bigger Jason
So being a producer on the upcoming feature-length Friday the 13th fan film “Voorhees” definitely has its perks, one of those perks is being able to see some raw footage after a days shoot. Now keep in mind, director Cody Faulk is secretive with most of the footage but every once in a while he shoots something so great that he has to share and get feedback.
Last week was one of those days but this day was much different because this time he decided to show me a scene of Jason in action in what was in my opinion, one of the most brutal kills in the entire franchise but Faulk assures me that what I saw was just a small taste of how brutally sadistic his Jason is going to be.
I am sworn to secrecy on exactly what I saw, the weapon he used and who his victim was but what I can tell you is that what I saw is going to make a lot of horror fans very happy. Jason is about 6′ 8” tall in this film and Faulk does a great job at size referencing his menacing slasher with expert camera movement and excellent camera angles that put in the forefront Jason’s immense size and strength.
Faulk also is not afraid to keep the camera on the money shots. There is no cutting away from the gore and from what I saw this will make some people very uncomfortable due to the pure intensity of the carnage that Jason will dispatch his victims with.
From what I understand, the movie is currently very close to being done with filming and principal photography and then Faulk will go to work editing the final product together. Let me just tell you that when he says that he is bringing us a much darker and sadistic Jason he isn’t lying. the raw intensity I saw reminded me a lot of the original Last House on the Left because it just made me feel a bit uneasy.
I feel like what Faulk is bringing to the screen is the evolution of Jason Voorhees. After Friday the 13th part 6 Jason started to lose his scary edge but now he seems to have it back and that’s not good for our next batch of victims but it is great for us!
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