Chickens Blood (2019)- What Happens When You Give Insanity Direction? A Fun Damn Movie is What Happens- Fitz of Horror Review

Bryan Fitzgerald (Fitz of Horror) February 22, 2019

Synopsis-Struggling wrestler and his friends take a shortcut to the event through a corrupt town ran by drugs and find themselves in the middle of a blood feud between the gang and a psychotic clown on meth.

Korey D. Jordan’s Chickens Blood is a unique and very inspired slasher film that takes place in the backwoods of Tennessee. When the film opens we witness the brutal aftermath of a hospital massacre and see the charbroiled maniac responsible escaping into the woods. He seems to have some unfinished business though because the first victim he comes across seems to know him and not only that, she says “we killed you!” in surprise before he paints a clown mask with her blood to cover his burnt and deformed face and then brutally murders her. This is just the opening of the movie.

Cut to the struggling wrestler, his movie critic best friend (Chuck Conroy) and their girlfriends who are headed to a wrestling event but get lost along the way and shortly after they realize that they are lost their car breaks down and they don’t realize it now but this is THE worst place to be stranded. As they walk through the town they meet some very interesting locals and it seems that all of them have accepted the fact that their town is bat shit crazy and there is a methed out murderous psychopath dressed as a clown who is out for revenge against those who made him the way he is.

Enter our gang of thugs who run the town and who “Happy Face” is after. When they kidnap two of our stranded friends it puts our lost group right in the middle of this blood feud and that is a bad place to be. As it turns out, a few years before, the gang violently beat, tortured, and burned Happy (which we get to see via flashback) and left him for dead but even though horribly disfigured and now hellbent on revenge, he survived and won’t stop killing until all of those responsible are murdered in extremely creative, violent and disgusting ways.

Jordan infuses a great backstory with copious amounts of humor to move the film along. He also gets very creative with methods of death and his use of damn good practical gore FX. This film definitely won’t be for everyone due to excessive meth use, offensive dialogue, black humor, and outrageous gore but I have to be honest, all of that shit was a selling point for me and I definitely wasn’t let down.

Take this film for what it is and you’ll have fun with it I promise and when the credits start rolling keep watching. Jordan added several extra scenes that all add to the overall story and if you check out the special features he also gives us a full alternate ending. 


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