Women in Horror Month Interview: PopHorror.com’s Very Own Tori Danielle Romero- Fitz of Horror

Bryan Fitzgerald (Fitz of Horror) February 20, 2019

February is Women in Horror Month but what is WiHM all about?

Women in Horror Month (WiHM) is an international, grassroots initiative, which encourages supporters to learn about and showcase the underrepresented work of women in the horror industries. Whether they are on the screen, behind the scenes, or contributing in their other various artistic ways, it is clear that women love, appreciate, and contribute to the horror genre.

I have been running my Fitz of Horror page for about 4 years now and indie horror has always been showcased, shared and held in high regard. I remember when PopHorror.com hit the scene a few years back and was doing articles on some indie horror I loved and some I had never heard of but always spreading the word for people in the indie horror world. I instantly loved them because we shared the same passion. During the past few years, I have watched them grow into a well known and trusted site for indie horror news, interviews and reviews all while staying drama free. I have also become friends with most everyone on their ever growing staff including co-owner herself Tori Danielle Romero. 

With the amount of work she does writing reviews, doing interviews and now producing indie horror movies, she can truly be considered one of the hardest working individuals in the horror community. Women in Horror Month is one of Tori’s favorite months and if you thought she was working hard before, think again. When February rolls around she is churning out an interview with women in the indie horror world almost every day and also promoting her website and now several producing gigs. She is a dynamo, a force to be reckoned with, a leading lady, a great person, a great friend and everything that Women in Horror month stands for.

It is my privilege and honor to be able to get her to slow the hell down for a minute and do this interview with me.

Fitz of Horror-What compelled you to start this budding PopHorror empire? Do you see it becoming as big/bigger than Bloody Disgusting/Dread Central?

Tori Danielle Romero– What most people don’t know is that the idea of PopHorror was brought to me. I was just going to write for the site and then I was approached to be co-owner for it. Then when I said yes, I brought on Tracy Allen to be my partner (I couldn’t do any of this without her, she’s the yin to my yang) and the rest is history. We’ve worked super hard since 2016 to make PopHorror a name that people can admire and go to for everything horror and I believe we’ve done a great job doing so.

I would love for it to be as big or bigger than BD or DC, but they’ve been around for so long and have put in the time and effort it takes to get the following they have. However, PopHorror has grown substantially in just a couple of years, so I do think you can expect great things from us in the future. 

Fitz of Horror-How many writers do you have on your site? (Please feel free to name drop these amazing people!)

Tori Danielle Romero– Including Tracy and myself, we have roughly 48 writers. Some write every few months, once a month, weekly, daily, etc. I do have to give some big shout outs to Lacy Lou and Kenn Hoekstra who have helped promote the site since day one. They go over and beyond the call of duty. Tiffany Blem and Brandon Long always help with interviews anytime I ask, which helps so much! Matthew Solomon is always promoting everyone and sharing articles. I also must give shout outs to Tiffany Blem, Devin Shea, and Anna Ace, who help with our Instagram. Devin is also kicking as with her unboxing videos and being one of the leads of our gaming team. Our gaming team is amazing as well and consists of Scott Crawford (another lead), Matt Stumpf, Ruben Shaw, William Scott Aldrich, and a few other new recruits. Honestly, I love and appreciate every single team member. They each help in their own way and although I’m not going to name drop every single person, I hope they know how much Tracy and I appreciate them.

Fitz of Horror-What makes indie horror in particular so appealing to you?

Tori Danielle Romero– With horror, there are no limits. It’s exciting and horrifying and sometimes downright deranged but there’s something for everyone. There are those who look down upon horror and I’m truly sad for them. They’re missing out on something they won’t get from any other genre.

Fitz of Horror-What are your favorite kinds of articles to write- Interviews, movie reviews or lists?

Tori Danielle Romero– I love doing interviews and editorials more than anything else. Reviews can be a chore sometimes unless I’m passionate about the film. Editorials are personal. And with interviews, who doesn’t love getting a chance to talk with a filmmaker, actress, or possibly a legendary icon?

Fitz of Horror-What is your favorite type of film to review- Extreme, short film, monster movies or anthologies?

Tori Danielle Romero– I have a passion for shorts. I’m always amazed by them. The fact that someone can create such a brilliantly unique story in a short period of time is… talented and noteworthy. Awareness should be brought to their attention. Filmmakers like Cindy Maples, Jennifer Trudrung, Izzy Lee, Jason Tostevin, Sam Kolesnik, and Timothy Vandenberg prove this time and time again. And that’s just a small handful of the 100s who create indie horror magic.

Beyond that, I really love thrillers and slashers. You can never go wrong with those and they’re typically fun to write about.

Fitz of Horror-When reviewing a movie do you prefer to watch it on your TV, Computer or cell phone?

Tori Danielle Romero– I pretty much will NEVER watch a movie on my cell phone unless I have too. If I had a choice, I would hands down always pick my TV, but sometimes with screeners, your only choice is a computer. And I’ll never pass up seeing a film because of that.

Fitz of Horror– What is your dream job?

Tori Danielle Romero– Honestly, I’m not quite sure. Possibly a director. Or really anything to do with the film industry. Also, I would love to be an author. I am a published author but I’ve only done two things and I would like to do more… ya know, when I’m not swamped with 10000 other things.

Fitz of Horror– What is your favorite non-horror movie?

Tori Danielle Romero– Uh… this is such a hard question to answer. I’m just going to say, Harry Potter. I love all things nerdy and horror and I’m a super duper Harry Potter fan. It doesn’t matter how many times I watch the films, they never get old.

Fitz of Horror– Jason or Freddy??

Tori Danielle Romero– I have and always will be a Freddy girl. NOES is my favorite franchise and Freddy is my favorite killer. I just relate to him. He’s pretty funny and pervy and so am I, lol. I guess I like my killers on the lean and talkative side versus the strong husky silent type.

HOWEVER, Jason is growing on me. And the reason is that the cast and crew from the franchise are some of the best people I’ve ever met. They go over and beyond for their fans and are just as passionate about horror as the rest of us. A big shout out to my loves Deborah Voorhees and Adam Marcus. They have been some of my biggest supporters and I love them dearly.

Fitz of Horror– You can only have food and drink combo for the rest of your life- Tacos and margaritas or Pizza and beer??

Tori Danielle Romero– The easiest question I’ve answered all night: Tacos and Margaritas, baby! All day, every day!

Fitz of Horror– Time to brag about yourself- What films are you currently a producer on/working on?

Tori Danielle Romero– One of my biggest projects I’m involved with is 13 Fanboy and I’m co-producing. So many amazing people are involved with this Deborah Voorhees, Kane Hodder, Dee Wallace, Corey Feldman, and many more. I’m still slightly amused at myself for being a Freddy Girl yet I’m a part of a film that has so many Friday the 13th franchise members in it. Times are a changing! As you know, it’s also getting a theatrical run! It’s going to be killer!

Some of my other producing projects are the third and last installment of Volumes of Blood aka Volumes of Blood: Devil’s Knight. I love the franchise, the people involved in all the films especially P.J. Starks. He’s a wonderful dude and friend and I’m proud to be a part of it especially since you’re co-producing with me! There’s also a killer cast with this one as well.

I’m also helping with Brooklyn Ewing’s upcoming anthology Tales from the Creep and I believe you are helping produce this one as well. You and I both love anthologies so this is a dream come true. Plus Brooklyn is a fucking BOSS. She slays at everything she does.

And then I’m also involved with Anthony Raus’ short ABSTRACTION, which landed a distribution deal recently. Anthony is a great guy who supports everyone and keeps delivering amazing shorts.

I’ve also worked with Director Jonathan Patrick Hughes on some of his shorts including a Halloween segment and plan on working more with him in the future.

Fitz of Horror– You are a champion for “Women in Horror” month every February, tell me what this great tradition means to you.

Tori Danielle Romero– Although I believe in supporting everyone including women every single day, Women in Horror Month has given people the opportunity to truly highlight the success and projects of all these talented women in the horror industry. Many women are often overlooked and underappreciated but WIHM goes over and beyond to show what these ladies are capable of.I love seeing my newsfeed full of stories and pictures for WIHM. It’s empowering and inspirational.

Tori, thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to do this interview. It has been a blast working with you and I’m looking forward to future collaborations. You are an asset and very important piece of the indie horror community and part of the very lifeblood that keeps it going, you and your team keep up the amazing work and know that you are doing great things for indie horror and all involved.

Follow her on Facebook and Instagram at PopHorror.com