Pendant (2019)-Pieces of Talent director Joe Stauffer is back behind the camera!-Fitz of Horror First Look

Bryan Fitzgerald (Fitz of Horror) November 26, 2018

What has been years in the making is finally happening (Not the Pieces of Talent sequel), Pieces of Talent director Joe Stauffer is getting back behind the camera to bring us more of his unique brand of horror in the upcoming short film Pendant. Although Pendant looks to be vastly different from his serial killer directorial debut, it will still put his signature beautiful camera work and cinematography on full display.

Pendant will be a short film with ambitions of fleshing into a feature length thriller and just from the production stills looks to have some seriously creepy content. With the help of newcomer Emily Gold to help write the story Joe looks to have another award winning film on his hands.

Joe and Emily are looking to raise a modest $5,000 to hire enough crew to make this dream a reality and give the fans a moody and professionally done horror/thriller. The campaign is live and has some great items from the film to offer in exchange for donations.

*****Campaign Home Page*****

The plot-

Pendant follows ten year old Summer as she spends a weekend at her grandmother’s house. As an aspiring photographer, Summer’s adventurous spirit leads her into the depths of the nearby forest in search of some cool shots. She is quick to uncover strange mysteries that lurk there in the shadows. Pendant is a short thriller written by filmmakers Joe Stauffer and Emily Gold. The goal while creating this script was to craft a story that plays with tension and mood rather than graphic content. Pulling from mysterious tales of folklore, Pendant will deliver suspense in a gritty yet elegant aesthetic.

From director Joe Stauffer-

We are raising funds to complete the short film and get this thing off the ground. We have some cool incentives for folks that would like to contribute available on the Pendant website. 
I plan on having more interactive content on the page as we move forward to create an immersive experience beyond just the film itself.
I want people to be able to go to the site, poke around and explore the world in which this film takes place before they even watch it.
I want them to be able to understand the geography of the locations so that once they are watching they can be familiar  and feel even more connected to what is going on.
We are currently in the pre-production phase for Pendant and are aiming for a shoot date of mid-January 2019. While this is very exciting, it also means we have a lot of work ahead of us. For the next two months, we will be pulling together all of the many details it takes to make a production. This includes everything from assembling an awesome cast and crew, locking down our shoot schedule, building sets, and raising funds to make it all happen.
On this website you will find all the info and updates on our progress, along with how you can get involved with the project. We highly recommend subscribing so you are the first to know when new details are released. Our blog page will be updated frequently with behind the scenes photos, answers to any questions you may have, and other goodies you won’t find anywhere else.

To make Pendant a reality, we are seeking to raise $5,000. All of these funds will go directly to supporting the film and the people who will be making it happen. We have some great incentives for purchase that will help us achieve our goal. We’d love for you to join our team through making a purchase, subscribing, and/or sharing!

This is a cool 360 tour type thing I put together that takes you to the homepage once you click through:
The unique 360 tour is a decidedly very “Stauffer-esque” touch that leads you to different locations in the woods each offering clues that eventually lead to the campaign page, but if you have zero sense of adventure just follow the bright red link up above;)