Pool Party Massacre (2017)-So Much Fun That It Should Be Put In Gram Bags and Distributed at House Parties!- Fitz of Horror “Fresh Eyes”Review

Written by Bryan Fitzgerald (Fitz of Horror) June 15, 2018

Synopsis-What started out as a relaxing summer day by the pool for a group of high maintenance young socialites quickly becomes a nightmare when an unknown killer begins stalking and murdering them one by one.

I remember buying this movie blindly solely based on the amazing cover art. When it came time to watch it I admittedly had extremely low expectations due to some, clearly misguided and less than desirable reviews (5.2 IMDb and 3.2/5 Amazon) but what I saw quickly became and has remained one of my favorite indie movies of the last few years!

Set in an upscale suburban neighborhood, the story begins with a pool, a MILF and a brutal murder.  Pool Party Massacre has a new look with a very 80s style “feel”, complete with an 8 bit intro, a groovy synth soundtrack and a classic “Who Dunnit” approach.

As the completely disconnected parents leave their snooty daughter and her friend to watch their house, the valley girl drama begins to hilariously unfold. As the girls are getting ready for their pool party they don’t realize that there is a killer on the loose and he has his eyes set on crashing their party.

Despite the title, Pool Party Massacre is light on the “Pool Party” but heavy on the “Massacre”. As the film goes on the kills get better and better with each being preceded with the killer in his tool shed picking a new weapon of choice for his next kill.

PPM is packed with fresh and funny dialogue and some twists and turns that keep you guessing throughout and was clearly made by someone that loves the genre. Drew Marvick clearly is an insane person with a gift for blending gory horror and dark, witty humor and keeping the movie fun from start to finish. When the twist in this movie drops it reinvigorates the viewing experience by making you reevaluate everything you have just seen by piecing together all of the clues that were sprinkled throughout.

As I said before Pool Party Massacre is most definitely in my top 10 favorite indie horror movies of the last year and a huge “welcome to the industry” for talented director Drew Marvick. If we don’t get another feature from him soon I would love to see him involved in some of the great anthologies that have been coming out.

When it comes to indie horror don’t rely on Amazon, IMDb or Rotten Tomatoes reviews to make or break you on seeing them. Indie horror is a different breed and needs to be supported, remember classic horror like Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead and Halloween were once considered schlock entertainment by no name directors but with the support of the fans became genre classics. Independent horror boils down to horror fans making movies for horror fans and who knows best what we want besides us?


Follow them on Facebook at Pool Party Massacre and Floating Eye Films


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