Dude Bro Party Massacre III (2015)- A Smart, Funny and Gory Horror/Comedy Satire That Is An Instant Cult Classic- Fitz of Horror Review

Written  by Bryan Fitzgerald (Fitz of Horror) June 4, 2018

Synopsis-In the wake of two back-to-back mass murders on Chico’s frat row, loner Brent Chirino must infiltrate the ranks of a popular fraternity to investigate his twin brother’s murder at the hands of the serial killer known as “Motherface.” 

As the movie begins, we learn that Dude Bro Party Massacre III is a movie that was banned by then President Ronald Reagan for its shear depravity and bad taste but this very copy we are watching was recently discovered. It was recorded onto a VHS tape by a young boy from a public access channel and is complete with over the top and downright weird and disturbing intermittent commercials throughout.

You are probably asking yourself “Bro, what about the first two Dude Bro Party Massacre movies?” well, unfortunately they don’t exist, but as the twin brother (Brock) of the main character Brent sits in his therapists office, he explains about the first tow DBPM incidents involving the brutal murders of countless frat brothers by the insane slasher Motherface, the title for the film suddenly makes perfect sense.

After Brock’s murder, his twin brother Brent sets out to infiltrate the fraternity and find answers about what happened to his brother. After he is reluctantly accepted by the Delta Bi Theta fraternity and its cast of odd characters, Brent and his wheelchair bound fellow pledge must carry out a devious prank but after getting wasted before pulling the prank, the pair inadvertently cause the death of thousands of people and as it turns out, it’s not the frats first time causing death and mayhem on a grand level.

After the frat gets suspended for the prank, they are banished to party at a frat house by the lake, but the police chief (played by Patton Oswalt) has other plans for the crew of bros. Dead set on doing away with the frat boys for good, the devil worshiping police chief sends Motherface after them as well as a virgin sacrifice to ensure a victory for the bad guys.

There is no way my description of events or review of this movie could do any justice to the film or even slightly prepare you for what you are about to witness. DBPM III is over the top, gory, hilarious and the perfect movie to watch with a few friends and some drinks. It has a borderline genius humor that was very reminiscent of South Park or It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia in its vulgarity and social commentary. There isn’t a 30 second period of time that goes by where something crazy or funny isn’t happening and the slapstick nature of it gives it the feel of a Naked Gun or Hot Shots type movie. The Motherface killer spits gloriously bad one liners after dispatching of her victims in increasingly surprising, funny and brutal ways and every line in the movie seems to be a cleverly thought out setup for the forthcoming hilarious punchline.

Dude Bro Party Massacre III has a distinct 80s vibe right down to the VHS picture quality and Cleaning Time/Party time montages set to cliche 80s music. The editing was sharp and kept the movie flowing never really letting up for the entire run time and there are also surprising guest appearances by Andrew W.K., Patton Oswalt and Larry King that are all very well done.

This movie had me laughing out loud multiple times and I was watching it by myself, no dudes or bros in sight. The gore scenes were excellent and over the top with buckets of blood and tons of guts so the gorehounds will be satisfied. The dialogue was smart and witty so as intentionally dumb as the movie was, no one can call it stupid. The humor was absolutely irreverent and fresh and delivered in ways that are both cringe inducing and unique.

This is the kind of movie I would give as a Christmas gift to each of my friends, coworkers and family members (the cool ones) and  then watch it with them each individually just so I could see their reactions and have a great excuse to watch it over and over again. So if you’re on my gift list, you are in for a treat this year!

DVDs are available and Blu rays have been sold out for quite some time (except the signed $50 variation) DBPM WEBSITE HERE

If you don’t want to wait you can watch it via Showtime On Demand or on Amazon–RENT or BUY HERE


Follow them on Facebook at Dude Bro Party Massacre iii and 5 Second Films

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