The Bad Man From Director Scott Schirmer (Found, Harvest Lake, Plank Face) Kickstarter is Live! Help Bring an Indie Horror Movie to Life!!-Fitz of Horror

Written by Bryan Fitzgerald (Fitz of Horror) March 16, 2018

>>>>>The Bad Man Kickstarter link<<<<<

If you’re not familiar with Director/Producer Scott Schirmer (which if you are a horror fan you should be) then maybe you have heard of some of the films he’s directed or produced-Found, Plank Face, Harvest Lake, Space Babes From Outer Space or Headless to name a few. If you are familiar with his work then you know what you are in for, a smart, brutal and engrossing horror movie (with the exception of Space Babes;).

Now he is back behind the camera to bring us another bat shit crazy horror movie featuring Ellie Church, Jason Crowe, Brian Papandrea and Arthur Cullipher that promises to ratchet up the level of insanity that we have come to love from one of the best indie directors out there. The goal is to raise $10,000 and he is almost there!

Quote from Scott Schirmer about The Bad Man synopsis and the Kickstarter-

If you’ve enjoyed my previous films — Found, Harvest Lake, or Plank Face — I hope you’ll join me for my latest effort. It’s a tense, nightmarish tale of survival and sacrifice called The Bad Man. It’s about a young couple, Mary and PJ, who are kidnapped in their own home by a sadistic clown who wants to break their spirits and sell them into servitude to a cult of wealthy deviants. Mary holds onto her humanity through trial after trial, desperately looking for a way to escape her torment and rescue PJ from his own madness. But time is running out — and auction day is coming… The film is about human dignity and the terrifying loss of it, as well as the valor of reclaiming it. I hope it will disturb and provoke you, and have you on the edge of your seat!

Two-thirds of the movie is already shot!

…But I need funding to complete the third act and release this dark opus on the world. By pre-ordering through Kickstarter (at the $25 Level or higher), you will be receiving a special Limited Edition release of the movie that will NOT be available anywhere else. This edition is limited to the number of Kickstarter backers and will ship in September, ahead of our planned October world premiere and well before anyone else has a chance to own the movie. 

What is being offered-

Many of the rewards in this campaign — including the Limited Edition Blu-ray, the autographed character postcards, special thanks credit in the movie and IMDb, and the backers-only T-Shirt — won’t be available anywhere else. I want to make sure Kickstarter backers get the best stuff for helping to make the movie happen! 

There is also a $1,000 Executive Producer perk-In addition to all the $200 Level rewards, you’ll receive ‘Executive Producer’ credit on the film. Your name will appear in the film’s credits and on IMDb as one of movie’s esteemed Executive Producers. Your name will also be included in the film’s billing block, which appears on the poster, on trailers, and other miscellaneous merchandise. Please note: This is a credit only and does not include any compensation or profit sharing. All Executive Producers will also be invited to appear in the film during a day of filming tentatively scheduled for May or June (travel and accommodations not included).

Any of these packages are cool but there are even options to donate as little as $5 for social media shout outs or you can just share the campaign and help support indie horror!

Just so you can see what you are getting yourself into, here is the exclusive Kickstarter The Bad Man trailer!


Follow them on Facebook at The Bad Man and Forbidden Films

Follow me on Facebook at Fitz of Horror and on Instagram at fitz_of_horror